Once planted, cotton requires plenty of warmth and rainfall or irrigation from the outset. Plantations can be found in China, India, the US, Brazil, Australia, Turkey and Greece, amongst others.

The cotton plant produces flowers fairly soon after planting. These little flowers ripen and release seeds, which produce white hairs or balls of cotton that are picked from the plant. The raw fibers form the basis of the cotton fiber that is eventually produced. The raw fibers are brushed (laid in the same direction) and, once the waste has been removed, these fibers can be stretched into yarn, from which the cotton string is made.


  • 100% natural
  • Biodegradable
  • Feels soft to the touch
  • Supple

Technical details

  • Braided or twisted cotton string
  • Considerably lower tensile strength than synthetic string
  • Vulnerable to wear and tear
  • The least strong natural fiber
  • Resilience: minimal elasticity
  • Moisture resistance: highly absorbent
  • UV resistant: does not discolor or weaken with exposure to sunlight.

Braided cotton string


  • As wick in oil lamps


  • Usually 16 strand braided
  • Natural coloring (ecru)
  • Pre-packaged hanks
  • Bobbins
Gevlochten katoentouw

Twisted cotton rope and string


  • Hobby, macramé, arts and crafts
  • Acrobatics and circus applications
  • Binder twine and string
  • Weighted cord, chalk line


  • Number of strands twisted dependent on thickness
  • Natural coloring (ecru) or colored (both single and mixed colors)
  • On reels
Gedraaid katoentouw

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