Welcome at Corbeo

For more than 40 years we have been producing ropes and twines for consumers and for various industrial niches. For example, we twist more than 100,000 km of macrame twine and 100 tons of compostable gardening rope every year. Our braiding machines produce the well-known mason twine and various synthetic ropes in thicknesses up to 12mm.

Consumers will find our articles in more than 1,500 physical stores and e-tailers, both with our own brands or in private label. Tailor-made or stock solutions are developed for industrial customers.

Recent News

Which masonry rope will you choose? Nylon or polypropylene? When choosing masonry cord for your construction projects, it is important to know which material best suits your needs

Each year, we deliver about 300.000 SKU’s rope and chain accessories in more than 350 DIY retail shops in Europe. We changed our packaging from hard plastic polyethylene terephthalate (PET) blisters to flexible plastic polyethylene (PE) bags and are curious about the life cycle assessment. Supported by KU Leuven, we conducted research into our environmental impact.

At home we use rope to tie something together or tie it up and we don't think about the technicality behind the product. However, our ropes are used in various business processes or in applications where quality assurance is extremely important. To guarantee impeccable quality, specific knowledge is required as well as thorough quality control with adapted equipment and established procedures.

We are at your service for queries, issues, compliments or complaints.